Groundcover Solutions for Sunny Sites

Acanthus mollis ''

Acanthus mollis ''

Common Name: Bear's Breeches

♦ Zones:  7 - 9    Height:  35 - 59"     Exposure:  Partial Shade to Full Sun ♦ Bear's-breeches are bold specimen plants, very popular with landscape designers. This species f…

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Achillea millefolium 'Coronation Gold'

Achillea millefolium 'Coronation Gold'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  30 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Coronation Gold' is an upright, clump-forming hybrid yarrow which is noted for its deeply-dissected, fern-…

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Achillea millefolium 'Fireland'

Achillea millefolium 'Fireland'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones: 3 - 8     Height:  30 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Achillea m Fireland is a spreading, upright to mat-forming hybrid yarrow cultivar which is…

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Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine'

Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  18 - 23"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ The Yarrows are among the best perennials for planting in hot, dry and sunny locati…

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Achillea millefolium 'Oertel's Rose'

Achillea millefolium 'Oertel's Rose'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  28"     Exposure:  Full sun to mostly sunny ♦ A strong grower with vibrant pink heads that mature to rose-pink, then slowly fade to pastel. Deep green …

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Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'

Achillea millefolium 'Paprika'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Achillea paprika has finely dissected green leaves. The fragrant foliage grows 8-12" tall. The clear…

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Achillea millefolium 'Pink Grapefruit'

Achillea millefolium 'Pink Grapefruit'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  21 - 23"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Plants are compact and bushy, with very uniform blooming over a long season. This selection has clusters of fl…

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Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'

Achillea millefolium 'Pomegranate'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  29"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Finely dissected bright green foliage is topped by red velvet flower clusters in summer. 'Pomegranate' is a reliabl…

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Achillea millefolium 'Red Velvet'

Achillea millefolium 'Red Velvet'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones: 3 - 8     Height:  20 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Dense clusters of rich deep red flowers bloom week after week from early to late summer. Heat and drought resistant.…

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Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'

Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  18 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Achillea Strawberry Seduction produces large clusters of strawberry red flowers with a gold center.  A un…

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Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels'

Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  24 - 30"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Summer Pastels' is a less aggressive, compact grower than most yarrows.  Its narrow fern-like foliag…

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Achillea millefolium 'Terra Cotta'

Achillea millefolium 'Terra Cotta'

Common Name: Yarrow

♦ Zones: 3 - 8     Height:  30 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ The Yarrows are among the best perennials for planting in hot, dry and sunny locations, providi…

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Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'

Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'

Common Name: Bishop's Weed

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  6 - 12"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ This variegated goutweed is one of the most popular ground covers for quickly covering large …

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Agastache 'Blue Fortune'

Agastache 'Blue Fortune'

Common Name: Anise Hyssop

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’ is a robust, nonstop bloomer.  The husky 5” long flower s…

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Agastache 'Cotton Candy'

Agastache 'Cotton Candy'

Common Name: Hyssop

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  18 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Cotton Candy Hyssop is an easy, vigorous grower that blooms non-stop from midsummer through fall. The den…

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Agastache 'Summer Fiesta'

Agastache 'Summer Fiesta'

Common Name: Hummingbird Mint

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  18 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Outstanding dense, spicy orange-red spikes over fragrant foliage. Extremely heat tolerant and reblooming from …

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Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite'

Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite'

Common Name: Hyssop

♦ Zones:  6 - 10     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Agastache aurantiaca 'Apricot Sprite' or Hyssop or Jewel of the Sierra or Orange Hummingbird Mint is a …

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Agastache barberi 'Tutti Frutti'

Agastache barberi 'Tutti Frutti'

Common Name: Hyssop

♦ Zones:  6 - 11     Height:  48 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Grayer foliage makes a nice combination with the large pink tubular flowers. Foliage is lemon scented and flo…

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Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'

Agastache foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee'

Common Name: Hyssop

 ♦ Zones:  5 - 9"     Height:  12 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Hyssop Golden Jubilee, Agastache 'Golden Jubilee', originates from the Greek word aga, meaning …

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Agastache foeniculum 'Purple Haze'

Agastache foeniculum 'Purple Haze'

Common Name: Hyssop

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Hyssop Purple Haze , Agastache 'Purple Haze', brings a new color palette with its long racemes of smoky blue …

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Agastache x 'Black Adder'

Agastache x 'Black Adder'

Common Name: Hyssop

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ 'Black Adder' is an upright, clump-forming giant hyssop that grows to 2-3' tall. It is a hyb…

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Ajania pacifica 'Gold & Silver'

Ajania pacifica 'Gold & Silver'

Common Name: Ajania

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  12 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Native to central and eastern Asia, this ajania (sometimes commonly called gold and silver c…

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Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'

Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  3 - 6"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Ajuga 'Black Scallop' is a bugleweed cultivar that is noted for its dark maroon-purple leaves with …

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Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty'

Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  3"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ A deep purple bronze in sun. Spreads rapidly. Blue flowering spikes in late spring. Does well in t…

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Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'

Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zone: 4 - 8     Height: 8 - 10"     Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Also known as Bugleweed, there are many selections, used widely as groundcovers for shady gardens. This is one of th…

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Ajuga reptans 'Caitlin's Giant'

Ajuga reptans 'Caitlin's Giant'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  3 - 10     Height:  6 - 10"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ This variety tends to be a clumper until it gets established. At that time, it will spread to fo…

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Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany'

Ajuga reptans 'Mahogany'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  3 - 9"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ ‘Mahogany’ is a bugleweed that forms a dense ground cover in part-shade areas…

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Ajuga reptans 'Sparkler'

Ajuga reptans 'Sparkler'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  3 - 6"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ ‘Sparkler’ is a variegated bugleweed that forms a dense ground cover in part-shade areas of …

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Ajuga tenorii 'Chocolate Chip'

Ajuga tenorii 'Chocolate Chip'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones:  3 - 10     Height:  4"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ This unique variety of ajuga sports relatively small, narrow leaves that weave a tight mat of foliage…

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Ajuga tenorii 'Dixie Chip'

Ajuga tenorii 'Dixie Chip'

Common Name: Bugleweed

♦ Zones: 3 - 10     Height:  2 - 4"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ A colorul variation of 'Chocolate Chip' featuring green, cream and rose-purple variegated foliage. Short violet b…

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Alchemilla mollis 'Auslese'

Alchemilla mollis 'Auslese'

Common Name: Lady's Mantle

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  12"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ A desirable restrained form of the species. Gray-green scalloped foliage forms a groundcover when planted in …

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Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'

Alchemilla mollis 'Thriller'

Common Name: Lady's Mantle

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  12"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Vivid golden yellow flowers held on stems in open sprays above the scallop…

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Amsonia hubrichtii ''

Amsonia hubrichtii ''

Common Name: Blue Star

♦ Zones:  5 - 8     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ This Blue Star (sometimes commonly called Arkansas amsonia or Hubricht's amsonia) …

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Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Blue Ice'

Amsonia tabernaemontana 'Blue Ice'

Common Name: Blue Ice

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ A splendiferous, eye-catching variant of the Blue Star Flower. 'Blue Ice' is a prodigious bloomer, …

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Andropogon gerardii ''

Andropogon gerardii ''

Common Name: Big Bluestem

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  48 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Big bluestem grass is a tall, Missouri native, perennial, warm season grass that was the dominant grass of…

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Andropogon glomeratus 'Glaucopsis'

Andropogon glomeratus 'Glaucopsis'

Common Name: Purple Bluestem

♦ Zones:  6 - 10     Height:  72"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦   North American native. Flower spikes rise to 6' over vase-shaped green clumps. A natural for naturalizing,…

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Andropogon ternarius ''

Andropogon ternarius ''

Common Name: Splitbeard Bluestem

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Native grass found in fields across the Eastern half of the US. Similar to Little Bluestem, but grows up to 3' with a …

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Andropogon virginicus ''

Andropogon virginicus ''

Common Name: Broom Sedge

♦ Zones:  5 - 8     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Andropogon virginicus is an easy to grow clump forming warm season grass with incredible golden co…

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Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm'

Anemone hupehensis 'September Charm'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  30 - 36"     Exposure:  Partial Sun ♦ 'September Charm' (Japanese wind flower) is a hardy, long-lived, semi-deciduous clumpi…

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Anemone hybrida 'Pamina'

Anemone hybrida 'Pamina'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Very large double flowers that have a bright purplish-pink color, and are a little shorter than most. Blooms i…

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Anemone hybrida 'Queen Charlotte'

Anemone hybrida 'Queen Charlotte'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  30 - 36"     Exposure:  Partial Sun ♦ There are three types of Anemones -- autumn-blooming, spring-flowering and one for rock …

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Anemone hybrida 'Whirlwind'

Anemone hybrida 'Whirlwind'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  5 - 8     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Large semi-white petals frame a golden center. All the Anemones are prized for their late summ…

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Anemone multifida 'Major Annabella'

Anemone multifida 'Major Annabella'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  10"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ This anemone does best in full sun or along the edge of trees. Its clean white flowers and soft lacy foliage lo…

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Anemone multifida 'Rubra Annabella'

Anemone multifida 'Rubra Annabella'

Common Name: Windflower

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  19 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Anemone 'Rubra Annabella' is a soft red flower that blooms in June.  The upright stems …

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Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima'

Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima'

Common Name: Anemone Grapeleaf

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Mauve-pink flowers are produced on well-branched stalks held 2 ft above the attractive dark …

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Apricot Drift Rose 'Apricot Drift Rose'

Apricot Drift Rose 'Apricot Drift Rose'

Common Name: Drift Rose

♦ Zones:  5 - 10     Height:  12 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Refreshing apricot to light pink double flowers make their appearance in spring and never stop coming. …

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Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Mix'

Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Mix'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  16 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ This delightful columbine is perfect for patio containers and window boxes because the flowers face upward to …

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Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Red-White'

Aquilegia caerulea 'Origami Red-White'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 7     Height:  16 - 18"     Exposure:  Part Sun to Full Sun ♦ Extra large red flowers with white centers are held upright on compact plants. Cheery color for in…

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Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird Mix'

Aquilegia caerulea 'Songbird Mix'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 9"     Height:  18 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Lacy greens and dancing, late-spring blooms characterize these lovely border plants. Columbines m…

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Aquilegia caerulea 'Swan Pink-Yellow'

Aquilegia caerulea 'Swan Pink-Yellow'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 8  Height:  26'+     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ A breakthrough color combination in the large-flowered Swan Series. Soft coral-pink outer petals with creamy tip…

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Aquilegia caerulea 'Swan Series Mix'

Aquilegia caerulea 'Swan Series Mix'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  20 - 24"     Exposure:  Part Sun to Part Shade ♦ Multi-stemmed plants that are well-matched for uniform size, exceptional garden performance,…

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Aquilegia canadensis ''

Aquilegia canadensis ''

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  24"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Wild columbine is a natural for the woodland garden, especially one with rocky or calcareous soils. L…

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Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'

Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  9 - 12"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Aquilegia canadensis is a Missouri native spring wildflower that features drooping, bell…

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Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple'

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Dark Purple'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  12 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Spectacular new columbine. Dark purple blooms resemble a double clematis. Blooms face upward…

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Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Red'

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Clementine Red'

Common Name: Columbine

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  12 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Profuse spurless double flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds and an ideal choice for cutting a…

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Armeria maritima 'Nifty Thrifty'

Armeria maritima 'Nifty Thrifty'

Common Name: Sea Thrift

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  3 - 6"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ ‘Nifty Thrifty’ is a sea thrift or sea pink variety that is noted for its variegated foliage. Th…

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Armeria maritima 'Splendens'

Armeria maritima 'Splendens'

Common Name: Thrift

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  6 - 12"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ ‘Splendens’ is a sea thrift or sea pink cultivar that is noted for its grass-like foliage and globu…

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Artemisia arborescens 'Powis Castle'

Artemisia arborescens 'Powis Castle'

Common Name: Wormwood

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Powis Castle' is a bushy, woody-based perennial or subshrub which is grown for its aromatic silvery foliage. …

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Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'

Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'

Common Name: Wormwood or Dusty Miller

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  10 - 14"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Bright silver foliage great for edging. Likes a dry sunny place. Split and replant each year for the showi…

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Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'

Artemisia stelleriana 'Silver Brocade'

Common Name: Wormwood or Dusty Miller

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  6"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Artemisia stelleriana "Silver Brocade" is a wide 1" felty silver foliage with a hint of green coloring. Upright …

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Arundo donax ''

Arundo donax ''

Common Name: Giant Reed

♦ Zones:  6 - 10     Height:  12 - 20'     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Arundo donax is easily grown in full sun to light shade in a wide variety of soils ranging …

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Arundo donax 'Golden Chain'

Arundo donax 'Golden Chain'

Common Name: Giant Reed

♦ Zones:  7 - 10     Height:  84"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ This beautiful selection of the giant reed grass adds a new twist to a great deer-resistant g…

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Arundo donax 'Peppermint Stick'

Arundo donax 'Peppermint Stick'

Common Name: Giant Reed

♦ Zones:  6 - 9     Height:  12'     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Arundo donax ‘Peppermint Stick’ is a giant striped reed grass. It doesn't just wave in the breeze: …

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Arundo donax 'Variegata'

Arundo donax 'Variegata'

Common Name: Giant Reed

♦ Zones:  6 - 10     Height:  8'     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Sun ♦ Bamboo-like plant provides a great screen for large areas spreading by underground rhizomes. Drough…

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Asclepias incarnata ''

Asclepias incarnata ''

Common Name: Swamp Milkweed

♦ Zones:  3 - 6     Height:  48 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed) is an erect, clump-forming plant which is commonly found in swamps, river…

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Asclepias tuberosa ''

Asclepias tuberosa ''

Common Name: Butterfly Weed

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  12 - 30"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Butterfly weed is a tuberous rooted perennial which occurs in dry or rocky open woods, glades, prairies, fields. It …

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Aster dumosus 'Woods Pink'

Aster dumosus 'Woods Pink'

Common Name: Michaelmas Daisy

♦ Zones:  5 - 8     Height:  12 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ A member of the dumosus family or New York Aster, Wood's Pink is a sure bet for autumn color. The plant is…

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Aster frikartii 'Moench'

Aster frikartii 'Moench'

Common Name: Michaelmas Daisy

♦ Zones:  5 - 10     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ ‘Moench’ is a hybrid aster (often commonly called Frikart’s aster) that featu…

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Aster nova angliae 'Purple Dome'

Aster nova angliae 'Purple Dome'

Common Name: New England Aster

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  15 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ The New England Aster is compact and free flowering.  They form robust semi-woody clumps which flower fro…

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Aster tataricus 'Jindai'

Aster tataricus 'Jindai'

Common Name: Tatarian Aster

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Jin-Dai' is a compact tartarian aster cultivar.  Distinctive paddle-shaped, almost tobacco-like basa…

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Astilbe thungergii 'Straussenfeder'

Astilbe thungergii 'Straussenfeder'

Common Name: False Spirea

♦ Zones:  3 - 8     Height:  32 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Astilbe thungergii ‘Straussenfeder’ is one of the incredibly elegant weeping Astilbe…

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Baptisia alba ''

Baptisia alba ''

Common Name: White Wild Indigo

♦ Zones:  5 - 8     Height:  24 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Baptisia alba is an erect, sparsely branched bush with gray green leaves.  White flower…

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Baptisia australis ''

Baptisia australis ''

Common Name: Blue False Indigo

♦ Zones:  3 - 9     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Baptisia Australis features purple flowers atop a foliage mound of bluish green leaves. …

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Baptisia hybrid 'Carolina Moonlight'

Baptisia hybrid 'Carolina Moonlight'

Common Name: Yellow Wild Indigo

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Baptisia ‘Carolina Moonlight’ is a distinctive upright, clumping perennial for the dry garden …

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Baptisia hybrid 'Purple Smoke'

Baptisia hybrid 'Purple Smoke'

Common Name: Wild Indigo

♦ Zones:  4 - 9     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Part Shade ♦ Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' is a shrubby perennial with smoky violet flowers and gray-green…

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Belamcanda chinensis 'Freckle Face'

Belamcanda chinensis 'Freckle Face'

Common Name: Blackberry Lily

♦ Zones: 5 - 9     Height: 12 - 18"     Exposure: Full Sun ♦ 'Freckle Face' has tall stems of cup-shaped, bright golden-yellow flowers speckled with orange.  Seed pods make un…

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Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby'

Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby'

Common Name: Winter Begonia

♦ Zones: 3 - 10     Height: 14"     Exposure: Full Sun to Mostly Shady ♦ Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby' has rosy red flower clusters that appear in early spring.  They turn deep …

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Bergenia cordifolia ''

Bergenia cordifolia ''

Common Name: Common Bergenia

♦ Zones:  2 - 9     Height:  12 - 18"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Partial Shade ♦ Short stems of magenta-pink flowers bloom in mid-spring.  Winter leaves are valuable…

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Boltonia asteroides 'Pink Beauty'

Boltonia asteroides 'Pink Beauty'

Common Name: False Aster

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  48 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun to Partial Sun ♦ 'Pink Beauty' is a long-lived plant covered in hundreds of soft pink daisies atop silver bl…

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Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'

Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'

Common Name: False Aster

♦ Zones: 4 - 8     Height: 48 - 60"     Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Sun ♦ Billowing clouds of clear white, golden-eyed daisies appear in late summer and fall.  Nice background pl…

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Bouteloua curtipendula ''

Bouteloua curtipendula ''

Common Name: Side Oats Grama

♦ Zones: 4 - 9     Height: 18 - 30"     Exposure: Full Sun ♦ Side Oats Grama is noted for oat-like spikes which hang from only one side its flowering stems.  Narrow bluish-gray lea…

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Bouteloua gracilis ''

Bouteloua gracilis ''

Common Name: Blue Grama

♦ Zones:  3 - 10     Height:  9 - 24"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Blue Grama is a diminutive type of grass with narrow leaf blades and unique flower spikes.  Flowers b…

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Briza media ''

Briza media ''

Common Name: Common Quaking Grass

♦ Zones:  4 - 8     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ Common quaking grass is a warm season ornamental grass which features a clump of narrow, erect, green leaves.  …

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Buddleia 'Lo & Behold Blue Chip'

Buddleia 'Lo & Behold Blue Chip'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  24 - 36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Blue Chip' plants grow in mounds which feature intense blue flowers that bloom from June to September.  Flowers …

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Buddleia davidii 'Asian Moon'

Buddleia davidii 'Asian Moon'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  36 - 84"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ This Buddleia blooms from late spring to fall with light purple flowers with orange centers.  They are best …

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Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'

Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  72 - 96"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Black Knight' is a butterfly bush which features almost black flowers.  These dar…

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Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue'

Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue'

Common Name:

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  36 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Nanho Blue" features mauve-blue flowers in clusters on a deciduous shrub with an arching, spreading habit.…

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Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Purple'

Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Purple'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  36 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Nanho Purple' is a butterfly bush that features lavendar-purple flowers which bloom from June through Septemb…

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Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight'

Buddleia davidii 'Pink Delight'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  72 - 96"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Pink Delight' has spectacular color from June through September from clusters of bright pink flowers with a terrific …

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Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'

Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  48 - 60"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'Royal Red' has spike-like long terminal dusters of magenta-purple flowers which bloom from June through Septe…

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Buddleia davidii 'White Ball'

Buddleia davidii 'White Ball'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  36"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'White Ball' is a dwarf butterfly bush that has spikes of fragrant white flowers with silvery foliage.  The bl…

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Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion'

Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion'

Common Name: Butterfly Bush

♦ Zones:  5 - 9     Height:  48 - 72"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ 'White Profusion' is the hardiest of the white Buddleias and makes quite a show as a speciman shrub in perenni…

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Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus'

Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus'

Common Name: Purple Winter Creeper

♦ Zones: 4 - 10     Height: 8 - 15"     Exposure: Sun to Shade ♦ The hardiest of the many selections of Japanese Euonymus. Plants form a dense carpet of dark green leaves with a coarse …

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Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple'

Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple'

Common Name: Royal Purple

♦ Zones: 5 - 11     Height: 12 - 15"     Exposure: Part Sun ♦ Spikes of deep purple flowers rise above the arching, dark green, grass-like foliage followed by black berries. A…

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Liriope muscari 'True Blue'

Liriope muscari 'True Blue'

Common Name: True Blue

♦ Zone: 5 - 11,  Height: 12 - 15"  Exposure: Part Sun ♦ Abundant blue flower spikes rise above the attractive, tufted arching, grass-like foliage followed by clusters of black berries. Superior edging, bor…

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Liriope muscari 'Variegata'

Liriope muscari 'Variegata'

Common Name: Variegated Liriope

♦ Zones: 6 - 11     Height: 12 - 15"     Exposure: Part Sun ♦ Vibrant yellow stripes brighten the dark green arching, grass-like foliage that adds color to an…

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Liriope spicata 'Creeping Lily Turf'

Liriope spicata 'Creeping Lily Turf'

Common Name: Creeping Lily Turf

♦ Zones: 5 - 11     Height: 12 - 15"     Exposure: Part Sun ♦ A vigorous, creeping grass-like plant with pale lavender flowers that stand just above the foliage. In fall, the …

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Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'

Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon'

Common Name: Silver Dragon

♦ Zones: 6 - 11     Height: 10 - 12"     Exposure: Part Sun ♦ A versatile evergreen perennial with dark green, narrow, grass-like foliage highlighted by silvery-white vertical…

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Mukdenia r 'Crimson Fans'

Mukdenia r 'Crimson Fans'

Common Name:

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Rosa 'Blushing Knock Out Rose'

Rosa 'Blushing Knock Out Rose'

Common Name: Blushing Knock Out Rose

♦  Zones:  5 - 11     Height:  36 - 48"     Exposure:  Full Sun ♦ This variety has light pink blooms that fade to delicate, subtle pink.  Produces tons of…

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